Once you have logged in, you will find a whole of host of support for the 9-1 Mathematics GCSE, focusing on the crossover topics for both higher and foundation tiers. Not part of the JustMaths family? Click here to find out how to join!

  • If you are a student, you will be able to print out the worksheets to work on alongside watching the tutorials.  You will also find the worksheet solutions.
  • If you are a teacher, you will also find the tutorials, worksheets, and worksheet solutions along with exam papers by topics, again with solutions and a comprehensive set of fabulous lesson resources and don’t forget to check out the “extras” in the teacher toolkit where you will find a host of other useful stuff too.

We suggest that the topics are followed in the order … simple, now get started!

Christian, Mel and Fize

10th Feb – Higher Paper 1 Nov 24 RAG paper and more …

10th Feb - Higher Paper 1 Nov 24 RAG paper and more We've just finished the RAG  paper  for Edexcels Higher paper 1 for the Nov sitting ... paper 2 and 3 will be available ready for use at the end of the half term break. I've added 3 more [...]

Spotlight on: Some new functionality coming soon …

This has been 3 years in the development as we do teach alongside this whole JustMaths thing ... but we are now at the point where we'll be reaching out to current subscribers to move you over so that you have access to some new functionality. New users will [...]

Spotlight on: Our RAG papers

UPDATE: This function now also includes the KS2 SATs papers too which may be useful for year 7. Using QLAs seems to regularly come into and out of fashion but it is something that we have always used ... however we also had reservations in that it's not enough to [...]

Spotlight on: Our Revision Guides

You may or may not be aware (where have you been!) that ourselves at JustMaths collaborated with the boys over at Kangaroo Maths and only went and wrote a revision guide, specifically aimed at the "Crossover" content that could be examined at either tier of the maths GCSE.  I wrote [...]